
Create Custom Lookup Fields in Your Real-Time Journey Form

3 min read

February 28, 2025

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Learn how to create custom lookup fields in Real-Time Journey forms with this step-by-step guide. Enhance your marketing automation by adding lookup fields to custom entities, without mapping them to contacts. Follow best practices, view sample code, and optimize your forms for better data collection and user experience.

Create Custom Lookup Fields in Your Real-Time Journey Form

I’ve been using custom fields in Real-Time Journey forms quite a bit since there’s no built-in way to do it yet! However, I always played it safe by using radio buttons, text fields, and checkboxes. I never attempted to add a custom lookup field—until now.

Recently, I encountered a scenario where I was tempted to build one myself. I wanted a lookup field pointing to a custom entity called ‘Colors’ without having a ‘Color’ field on the contact record. This means the lookup is not available on the contact. Below are my results!

Update Marketing Services User Extensible Role

Since I want (potential) customers to ‘search’ through our lookup entity (Colors), I need to grant the Marketing Services User Extensible Role read rights on this entity.

Add read rights to the Marketing Services User Extensible Role

Building the Form

First, I start with a simple form containing:

  1. First name
  2. Email address
  3. Checkbox for opt-in
  4. Submit button

A simple Real-Time Journey form

Next, I add an out-of-the-box lookup field from the contact—Currency. I set the field Make lookup data publicly available to “Yes” and select a filter and attribute name. Then, I open the HTML editor to inspect the generated HTML code.

HTML editor of the Real-Time Journey form

Let’s break down the elements found in the HTML:

HTML ElementMeaning
data-editorblocktype="LookupFormField"Indicates this block contains a lookup field, used for styling
data-targetaudience="contact"The target audience is Contact
data-targetproperty="transactioncurrencyid"The logical name of the mapped field on the Contact
data-lookuptargets="..."Contains the logical name of the Currency entity, the ID of the selected view, and the logical name of the selected attribute
data-prefill="false"No prefilling of this field
data-publicvisibility="true"The lookup data is publicly available
labelHolds the label of the input field
inputThe actual input field
datalistHolds the list of items selected in the data-lookuptargets view

Here’s the full code:

<div class="lookupFormFieldBlock"
      <label title="Currency" for="339fb4f5-e7fa-4bf6-a267-bb13c651095c">Currency</label>
      <input id="339fb4f5-e7fa-4bf6-a267-bb13c651095c" type="text" name="transactioncurrencyid" placeholder="Currency" title="Currency" list="list-339fb4f5-e7fa-4bf6-a267-bb13c651095c">
      <datalist id="list-339fb4f5-e7fa-4bf6-a267-bb13c651095c"></datalist>

Looking closely at the data-lookuptargets values, I see the following:

  1. Logical Name → The logical name of the currency entity
  2. PrimarySavedQueryId → The ID of the view selected in the lookup field
  3. PrimaryNameAttribute → The logical name of the attribute selected in the lookup field

Now, what if I changed these values to match my custom entity?


Next, I update the label and input values:

<label title="Color" for="339fb4f5-e7fa-4bf6-a267-bb13c651095c">Pick your favorite color</label>
<input id="339fb4f5-e7fa-4bf6-a267-bb13c651095c" type="text" name="color" placeholder="Pick your color" title="Color" list="list-339fb4f5-e7fa-4bf6-a267-bb13c651095c">
<datalist id="list-339fb4f5-e7fa-4bf6-a267-bb13c651095c"></datalist>

Finally, I remove the data-targetproperty from the <div> element, since this field won’t be mapped to the contact. Here’s the final version of the code:

<div class="lookupFormFieldBlock"
      <label title="Color" for="339fb4f5-e7fa-4bf6-a267-bb13c651095c">Pick your favorite color</label>
      <input id="339fb4f5-e7fa-4bf6-a267-bb13c651095c" type="text" name="color" placeholder="Pick your color" title="Color" list="list-339fb4f5-e7fa-4bf6-a267-bb13c651095c">
      <datalist id="list-339fb4f5-e7fa-4bf6-a267-bb13c651095c"></datalist>


🥁 Drum roll, please, for the lookup field on the form…

The final form

And now, for the submitted values…

The final form submission

It works!


While this feels like a workaround, with the postponed Public Preview of the Custom Fields feature, this solution might be useful in the meantime!

Advice: Test it thoroughly.